(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/14 浏览:2)
#! /usr/bin/env python from PIL import Image import pytesseract url='img/denggao.jpeg' image=Image.open(url) #image=image.convert('RGB') # RGB image=image.convert('L') # 灰度 image.load() text=pytesseract.image_to_string(image) print text #image.show() r'''''# zhongwen_url = 'img/zhongwen003.png' import os fn = "aaaa" # sudo apt-get install tesseract cmd = "tesseract " + zhongwen_url + " " + fn + " -l chi_sim" os.system(cmd) with open(fn+".txt", "r") as f: print f ret=os.system('cat /etc/pam.conf') print ret print '----------------------' ret=os.popen('cat /etc/pam.conf') print ret''' r''''' import os import subprocess def image_to_string(img, cleanup=True, plus=''): # cleanup为True则识别完成后删除生成的文本文件 # plus参数为给tesseract的附加高级参数 subprocess.check_output('tesseract ' + img + ' ' + img + ' ' + plus, shell=True) # 生成同名txt文件 text = '' with open(img + '.txt', 'r') as f: text = f.read().strip() if cleanup: os.remove(img + '.txt') return text # run > # print(image_to_string('./phototest.tif')) # 打印识别出的文本,删除txt文件 # print(image_to_string('./phototest.tif', False)) # 打印识别出的文本,不删除txt文件 # print(image_to_string('./phototest.tif', False, '-l eng')) # 打印识别出的文本,不删除txt文件,同时提供高级参数 # PyTesser废弃... '''