(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/13 浏览:2)
oCam – 免费屏幕录像利器!这款免费屏幕录制捕捉工具,编码功能强大,支持游戏录像,可录制任何区域,可选全屏模式或自定义区域截图;还可捕捉到正在播放的声音;非常简单易用,而且完全免费。操作步骤只需三步:1、设置屏幕录制范围;2、点击录制按钮;3、停止录制并保存;即可完成录像!
Version 344.0 (2016-11-23)
- 144 FPS support
- If NVIDIA NVENC H.264 codec is available, it will be activated as default codec.
- Fixed to use less GPU memory when using Nvidia codec
- Fixed an error when clicking OK after deleting all recording area list
- Fixed point that LineBreak comes out twice in succession if you did not add the recording area when you press the resize button.
- Add Hide Recording Area in Options
- When recording is checked, recording area is not displayed when recording is stopped.
by zd423 & ZDFANS.COM
• 已暴力破解,无需注册码,启动即为已授权无广告版!(官方版虽免费但有广告)
• 硬改自定义数据保存当前目录,后台不生成也就是所谓便携,无需第三方便携引导;
• 彻底去掉后续升级提示,禁止后续后台自动下载更新安装包,删除了多余语言文件;
oCam v344.0 去广告绿色特别版及单文件版