(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/29 浏览:2)
<template> <div class="content" ref="box"> <svg style="transform: rotate(-90deg)" :width="width" :height="width" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <circle :r="(width-radius)/2" :cy="width/2" :cx="width/2" :stroke-width="radius" :stroke="backgroundColor" fill="none" /> <circle ref="$bar" :r="(width-radius)/2" :cy="width/2" :cx="width/2" :stroke="barColor" :stroke-width="radius" :stroke-linecap="isRound " :stroke-dasharray="(width-radius)*3.14" :stroke-dashoffset="isAnimation " fill="none" /> </svg> <div class="center_text" :style="{color, fontSize}"> <p v-if="!$slots.default" class="title">{{progress}}%</p> <slot></slot> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { props: { radius: { type: [Number, String], default: 20 }, // 进度条厚度 progress: { type: [Number, String], default: 20 }, // 进度条百分比 barColor: { type: String, default: "#1890ff" }, // 进度条颜色 backgroundColor: { type: String, default: "rgba(0,0,0,0.3)" }, // 背景颜色 isAnimation: { // 是否是动画效果 type: Boolean, default: true }, isRound: { // 是否是圆形画笔 type: Boolean, default: true }, id: { // 组件的id,多组件共存时使用 type: [String, Number], default: 1 }, duration: { // 整个动画时长 type: [String, Number], default: 1000 }, delay: { // 延迟多久执行 type: [String, Number], default: 200 }, timeFunction: { // 动画缓动函数 type: String, default: "cubic-bezier(0.99, 0.01, 0.22, 0.94)" }, circleWidth: { //圆环宽度 type: Number, default: 100, }, color: { //文字颜色 type: String, default: '#000' }, fontSize: { //文字大小 type: String, default: '18px' } }, data() { return { width: this.circleWidth, idStr: `circle_progress_keyframes_${this.id}` }; }, beforeDestroy() { // 清除旧组件的样式标签 document.getElementById(this.idStr) && document.getElementById(this.idStr).remove(); window.addEventListener(() => {}); }, mounted() { let self = this; this.setCircleWidth(); this.setAnimation(); // 此处不能使用window.onresize window.addEventListener( "resize", debounce(function() { self.setCircleWidth(); self.setAnimation(self); }, 300) ); }, methods: { setCircleWidth() { let box = this.$refs.box; let width = box.clientWidth; let height = box.clientHeight; let cW = width > height "vue-circle-progress should not have same id style"); document.getElementById(self.idStr).remove(); } // 生成动画样式文件 let style = document.createElement("style"); style.id = self.idStr; style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = ` @keyframes circle_progress_keyframes_name_${self.id} { from {stroke-dashoffset: ${(self.width - self.radius) * 3.14}px;} to {stroke-dashoffset: ${((self.width - self.radius) * 3.14 * (100 - self.progress)) / 100}px;}} .circle_progress_bar${ self.id } {animation: circle_progress_keyframes_name_${self.id} ${ self.duration }ms ${self.delay}ms ${self.timeFunction} forwards;}`; // 添加新样式文件 document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style); // 往svg元素中添加动画class self.$refs.$bar.classList.add(`circle_progress_bar${self.id}`); } } } }; </script> <style scoped> .content {height:100%;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items: center;} .center_text {position:absolute;} </style>
<CircleProgress :id="'circle1'" :circleWidth="40" :radius="7" :progress="30" :isAnimation="true" :backgroundColor="'#E9E9E9'" :barColor="'#FF4F4F'" /> <CircleProgress :id="'circle2'" :circleWidth="40" :radius="7" :progress="50" :isAnimation="true" :backgroundColor="'#E9E9E9'" :barColor="'#FF902A'" /> <CircleProgress :id="'circle3'" :circleWidth="40" :radius="7" :progress="89" :isAnimation="true" :backgroundColor="'#E9E9E9'" :barColor="'#FFDB4F'" /> <CircleProgress :id="'circle4'" :circleWidth="40" :radius="7" :progress="25" :isAnimation="true" :backgroundColor="'#E9E9E9'" :barColor="'#B8D87E'" />
function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { let timeout, args, context, timestamp, result const later = function () { // 据上一次触发时间间隔 const last = +new Date() - timestamp // 上次被包装函数被调用时间间隔last小于设定时间间隔wait if (last < wait && last > 0) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last) } else { timeout = null // 如果设定为immediate===true,因为开始边界已经调用过了此处无需调用 if (!immediate) { result = func.apply(context, args) if (!timeout) context = args = null } } }
至于这个组件在react中的使用,按照react的生命周期,或者react hooks的语法,或者dva模式的语法,稍微改巴改巴就可以使用了,很简单,就不再展开了。
以上就是Vue实现圆环进度条的示例的详细内容,更多关于Vue 实现圆环进度条的资料请关注其它相关文章!