
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2024/9/29 浏览:2)



专辑中文名: 胡同

艺术家: 纯音乐.

资源格式: WAV+CUE

01.冬日 The Winter

02.漫步柳荫街 Strolling in Liuyin Street

03.京韵悠悠 Long Rhyme of Beijing Opera

04.雨巷 Rain Alley

05.四合大院 Courtyard house

06.胡同口的大槐树 A Big Locust Tree at the Hutong Entrance

07.伙伴嬉戏 Companion Frolic

08.蓝天鸽哨 Pigeon Whistling In Blue Sky

09.胡同溜鸟 Putting birds out in Hutong

10.夏夜纳凉 Enjoying Coolness in a Summer Night

11.静夜吆喝 The Calls In Silent Night

12.百花深处 At the Depths of Various flowers

13.灰色记忆(总结篇) Gray Memory

[纯音乐]李志辉-胡同[WAV+CUE].rar: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-910357236-4d1c53?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)

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