专辑名称:Stravinsky - Song of the Nightingale、Firebird Suite、Rite ofSpring 演奏乐团:明尼苏达管弦乐团(Minnesota Orchestra) 指挥:大植英次(Eiji Oue) 录音:Keith O.Johnson 专辑风格:古典音乐、管弦乐 发行时间:1996 发行公司:Reference Records 唱片版本:美国HDCD版 唱片编号:RR-70CD
专辑曲目: 01. The Firebird Suite: Introduction [0:02:53.62] 02. The Firebird Suite: The Firebird and Her Dance[0:00:16.50] 03. The Firebird Suite: Variation of the Firebird[0:01:22.63] 04. The Firebird Suite: Round Dance of the Princesses[0:04:44.55] 05. The Firebird Suite: Infernal Dance of King Kashchei[0:04:59.15] 06. The Firebird Suite: Berceuse [0:03:33.17] 07. The Firebird Suite: Finale [0:03:00.60] 08. The Song of the Nightingale: Presto [0:02:25.63] 09. The Song of the Nightingale: Chinese March [0:03:31.07] 10. The Song of the Nightingale: Song of the Nightingale[0:03:27.10] 11. The Song of the Nightingale: Game of the Mechanical Nightingale[0:10:46.68] 12. The Rite of Spring (Adoration of Earth): Introduction[0:03:19.27] 13. The Rite of Spring (Adoration of Earth): Auguries ofSpring-Dance of the Adolescents [0:03:16.20] 14. The Rite of Spring (Adoration of Earth): Game of Abduction[0:01:20.15] 15. The Rite of Spring (Adoration of Earth): Spring Rounds[0:03:10.18] 16. The Rite of Spring (Adoration of Earth): Games of the RivalTowns [0:01:50.42] 17. The Rite of Spring (Adoration of Earth): Procession of the Sage[0:00:47.15] 18. The Rite of Spring (Adoration of Earth): Adoration of the Earth(The Sage) [0:00:22.40] 19. The Rite of Spring (Adoration of Earth): Dance of the Earth[0:01:17.43] 20. The Rite of Spring (The Sacrifice): Intro
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