(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/1 浏览:2)
mysqldump --host= --user= --password= --single-transaction --master-data=1 --flush-logs --databases >~/db.log
—single-transaction 参数能够报纸一致性读,不会锁表,也就是备份的时候不影响数据更新。
it dumps the consistent state of the database at the time when START TRANSACTION was issued without blocking any applications.
While a —single-transaction dump is in process, to ensure a valid dump file (correct table contents and binary log coordinates)
—master-data参数也很重要,导出的语句会包含CHANGE MASTER TO语句,包括备份语句同步到的二进制文件和位置点。
Use this option to dump a master replication server to produce a dump file that can be used to set upanother server as a slave of the master. It causes the dump output to include a CHANGE MASTER TO statement that indicates the binary log coordinates (file name and position) of the dumped server. These are the master server coordinates from which the slave should start replicating after you load the dump file into the slave.
mysqldump --host=--user= --password= --dump-slave=1 --flush-logs --apply-slave-statements --include-master-host-port --databases >~/db.log;
— dump-slave和—master-data参数很类似:
This option is similar to —master-data except that it is used to dump a replication slave server to produce a dump file that can be used to set up another server as a slave that has the same master as the dumped server. It causes the dump output to include a CHANGE MASTER TO statement that indicates the binary log coordinates (file name and position) of the dumped slave's master. These are the master server coordinates from which the slave should start replicating.
记住一点它获取的是主库的bin log coordinates(不是备份库的)
—dump-slave causes the coordinates from the master to be used rather than those of the dumped server
dump出来的语句会包含 — Position to start replication or point-in-time recovery from。
—apply-slave-statements会让dump语句中自动包含start和stop slave语句。—include-master-host-port包含主库的连接信息。
This option causes mysqldump to stop the slave SQL thread before the dump and restart it again after.