(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/1/18 浏览:2)
MySQL默认是开启自动提交的,即每一条DML(增删改)语句都会被作为一个单独的事务进行隐式提交。如果修改为关闭状态,则执行DML语句之后要手动提交 才能生效。
mysql> show variables like 'autocommit'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | autocommit | ON | +---------------+-------+
mysql> show global variables like 'autocommit'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | autocommit | ON | +---------------+-------+
关闭当前会话的自动提交模式 mysql> set autocommit=0; mysql> show variables like 'autocommit'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | autocommit | OFF | +---------------+-------+ 全局的autocommit还是开启状态 mysql> show global variables like 'autocommit'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | autocommit | ON | +---------------+-------+ 关闭全局的autocommit mysql> set global autocommit=0; mysql> show global variables like 'autocommit'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | autocommit | OFF | +---------------+-------+
如果想要MySQL服务重启之后仍能生效,需要设置系统环境变量。MySQL5.7 在cnf配置文件中[mysqld]下面设置autocommit的值。
[mysqld] ... autocommit=0
MySQL的JDBC驱动包 mysql-connector-java 会给会话的connection默认开启自动提交,譬如 mysql-connector-java-8.0.22版本的代码:
//com.mysql.cj.protocol.a.NativeServerSession.java private boolean autoCommit = true;
常用的数据库连接池 如HikariCP,druid等,默认也是开启自动提交,会将connection的自动提交设置都改为true。
com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidAbstractDataSource.java protected volatile boolean defaultAutoCommit = true; ... public void initPhysicalConnection(Connection conn, Map<String, Object> variables, Map<String, Object> globalVariables) throws SQLException { if (conn.getAutoCommit() != defaultAutoCommit) { //将connection的autocommit设置为true conn.setAutoCommit(defaultAutoCommit); } ... }
HikariCP 初始化DataSource的默认配置 中autocommit也是true:
com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig.java public HikariConfig() { ... isAutoCommit = true; }
对于事务管理器PlatformTransactionManager管理的显式事务(譬如@Transactional注解声明)在 开启事务时会关闭自动提交模式。 代码如下:
@Override protected void doBegin(Object transaction, TransactionDefinition definition) { DataSourceTransactionObject txObject = (DataSourceTransactionObject) transaction; Connection con = null; try { ........ // Switch to manual commit if necessary. This is very expensive in some JDBC drivers, // so we don't want to do it unnecessarily (for example if we've explicitly // configured the connection pool to set it already). if (con.getAutoCommit()) { txObject.setMustRestoreAutoCommit(true); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Switching JDBC Connection [" + con + "] to manual commit"); } //关闭自动提交模 con.setAutoCommit(false); } ....... } catch (Throwable ex) { ....... } }
MySQL的autocommit模式默认是打开状态,为了防止手动的DML操作导致失误,生产环境可以设置为默认关闭的状态。一般的jdbc 连接池默认都是开启状态,而且是可配置的。显式事务下会设置成关闭状态,单纯的修改数据库环境的autocommit不会对代码的行为产生影响。
以上就是详解MySQL与Spring的自动提交(autocommit)的详细内容,更多关于MySQL 自动提交(autocommit)的资料请关注其它相关文章!