
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/1/16 浏览:2)


复制代码 代码如下:package main
import (

 * user : example@example.com login smtp server user
 * password: xxxxx login smtp server password
 * host: smtp.example.com:port   smtp.163.com:25
 * to: example@example.com;example1@163.com;example2@sina.com.cn;...
 *  subject:The subject of mail
 *  body: The content of mail
 *  mailtyoe: mail type html or text

func SendMail(user, password, host, to, subject, body, mailtype string) error{
 hp := strings.Split(host, ":")
 auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", user, password, hp[0])
 var content_type string
 if mailtype == "html" {
  content_type = "Content-Type: text/"+ mailtype + "; charset=UTF-8"
  content_type = "Content-Type: text/plain" + "; charset=UTF-8"

 msg := []byte("To: " + to + "\r\nFrom: " + user + "<"+ user +">\r\nSubject: " + subject + "\r\n" + content_type + "\r\n\r\n" + body)
 send_to := strings.Split(to, ";")
 err := smtp.SendMail(host, auth, user, send_to, msg)
 return err

func main() {
 user := "xxxx@163.com"
 password := "xxxx"
 host := "smtp.163.com:25"
 to := "xxxx@gmail.com;ssssss@gmail.com"

 subject := "Test send email by golang"

 body := `
 "Test send email by golang"
 fmt.Println("send email")
 err := SendMail(user, password, host, to, subject, body, "html")
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("send mail error!")
  fmt.Println("send mail success!")


高通和谷歌日前宣布,推出首次面向搭载骁龙的Windows PC的优化版Chrome浏览器。
在对骁龙X Elite参考设计的初步测试中,全新的Chrome浏览器在Speedometer 2.1基准测试中实现了显著的性能提升。
预计在2024年年中之前,搭载骁龙X Elite计算平台的PC将面世。该浏览器的提前问世,有助于骁龙PC问世就获得满血表现。
谷歌高级副总裁Hiroshi Lockheimer表示,此次与高通的合作将有助于确保Chrome用户在当前ARM兼容的PC上获得最佳的浏览体验。