(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/2/23 浏览:2)
golang 的日期时间包:time 的使用方式。
// 构建时区 var timeLocation *time.Location timeLocation, _ = time.LoadLocation("") //UTC timeLocation, _ = time.LoadLocation("UTC") //UTC timeLocation, _ = time.LoadLocation("Local") //Local timeLocation, _ = time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai") //使用时区码 //golang的时间格式化pattern var timeLayout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
// 获取当前时间对象 var timer time.Time timer = time.Now() // 为时间设定时区 可以通过 timer.Local()/timer.UTC() 快速设定时区 timer.In(timeLocation)
// 获取当前秒级时间戳 var curTimestamp int64 curTimestamp = timer.Unix() println("current timestamp:" + strconv.FormatInt(curTimestamp, 10)) // 获取当前纳秒及时间戳 1秒=1000毫秒=1000,000微妙=1000,000,000纳秒 var curNanoTimestamp int64 curNanoTimestamp = timer.UnixNano() println("current nano timestamp:" + strconv.FormatInt(curNanoTimestamp, 10))
// 获取本地时间的时区/快速获取时区时间/自定义格式 timeZone, _ := timer.Zone() fmt.Printf("time zone: %s\n", timeZone) fmt.Printf("time location: %s\n", timer.Location()) fmt.Printf("time in local zone: %s\n", timer.Local().String()) fmt.Printf("time in utc zone: %s\n", timer.UTC().String()) fmt.Printf("time: %s\n", timer.String()) fmt.Printf("time formatted: %s\n", timer.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
获取当前的年/月/日 时:分:秒 纳秒
// 获取当前的年/月/日 时:分:秒 纳秒 fmt.Printf("current year: %d\n", timer.Year()) fmt.Printf("current month: %d %s\n", timer.Month(), timer.Month()) //返回的Month对象 fmt.Printf("current day: %d\n", timer.Day()) fmt.Printf("current hour: %d\n", timer.Hour()) fmt.Printf("current minute: %d\n", timer.Minute()) fmt.Printf("current second: %d\n", timer.Second()) fmt.Printf("current nanosecond: %d\n", timer.Nanosecond())
// 获取当前时间/日期 curHour, curMinute, curSecond := timer.Clock() fmt.Printf("current clock: %d:%02d:%02d\n", curHour, curMinute, curSecond) curYear, curMonth, curDay := timer.Date() fmt.Printf("current date: %d-%02d-%02d\n", curYear, curMonth, curDay)
time.ParseDuration(durationString string)可以方便我们使用语义构建时间跨度值,数值单位为纳秒,比如:
timeDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration("24h")
timeDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration("12m")
timeDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration("6s")
timeDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration("1ms")
timeDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration("1us")
timeDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration("1ns")
// 已当前时间为基增长年/月/日后的时间对象 timerAdded := timer.AddDate(1, 2, 3) curYear, curMonth, curDay = timerAdded.Date() fmt.Printf("current date: %d-%02d-%02d\n", curYear, curMonth, curDay) // 以当前时间为基增长N纳秒后的时间对象 比如增长了一天 timeDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration("24h") timerAdded = timer.Add(timeDuration) // 计算两个时间的差值 返回的是纳秒 按需求自行计算其他单位 // Duration is type of int64 and nanoseconds timeDuration = timerAdded.Sub(timer) fmt.Printf("days duration between %s~%s: %d\n", timerAdded.Format(timeLayout), timer.Format(timeLayout), timeDuration/1000/1000/1000/24/60/60)
使用 时间字符串 / Unix Timestamp 构建时间对象
// 使用时间串获取时间对象 timer, _ = time.Parse(timeLayout, "2018-08-08 08:08:08") // 使用时间串获取时间对象 并设定时区 timer, _ = time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout, "2018-08-08 08:08:08", timeLocation) // 使用Unix时间戳构建时间对象 timer = time.Unix(1552368806, 0) //2019-03-12 13:33:26的Unix时间戳 fmt.Println(timer.Format(timeLayout))
获取当前时间是本年第几天 本周第几天
注意周日 的 Weekday编号为 0
// 获取当前时间是本年第几天 本周第几天 fmt.Printf("year day: %d, week day: %d\n", timer.YearDay(), timer.Weekday())
// 使用表征字符串转换时间跨度 timeDuration, _ = time.ParseDuration("300s") fmt.Printf("nanosecond: %d\n", timeDuration) timeDuration, _ = time.ParseDuration("300us") fmt.Printf("nanosecond: %d\n", timeDuration)