(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/1 浏览:2)
Elasticsearch是一个分布式、Restful的搜索及分析服务器,Apache Solr一样,它也是基于Lucence的索引服务器,但我认为Elasticsearch对比Solr的优点在于:
bin/elasticsearch -f
安装官方提供的Python API,在OS X上安装后出现一些Python运行错误,是因为setuptools版本太旧引起的,删除重装后恢复正常。
pip install elasticsearch
from datetime import datetime from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch es = Elasticsearch() #create a localhost server connection, or Elasticsearch("ip") es.create(index="test-index", doc_type="test-type", id=1, body={"any":"data", "timestamp": datetime.now()})
Elasticsearch批量索引的命令是bulk,目前Python API的文档示例较少,花了不少时间阅读源代码才弄清楚批量索引的提交格式。
from datetime import datetime from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch import helpers es = Elasticsearch("") j = 0 count = int(df[0].count()) actions = [] while (j < count): action = { "_index": "tickets-index", "_type": "tickets", "_id": j + 1, "_source": { "crawaldate":df[0][j], "flight":df[1][j], "price":float(df[2][j]), "discount":float(df[3][j]), "date":df[4][j], "takeoff":df[5][j], "land":df[6][j], "source":df[7][j], "timestamp": datetime.now()} } actions.append(action) j += 1 if (len(actions) == 500000): helpers.bulk(es, actions) del actions[0:len(actions)] if (len(actions) > 0): helpers.bulk(es, actions) del actions[0:len(actions)]
在这里发现Python API序列化JSON时对数据类型支撑比较有限,原始数据使用的NumPy.Int32必须转换为int才能索引。此外,现在的bulk操作默认是每次提交500条数据,我修改为5000甚至50000进行测试,会有索引不成功的情况。
#helpers.py source code def streaming_bulk(client, actions, chunk_size=500, raise_on_error=False, expand_action_callback=expand_action, **kwargs): actions = map(expand_action_callback, actions) # if raise on error is set, we need to collect errors per chunk before raising them errors = [] while True: chunk = islice(actions, chunk_size) bulk_actions = [] for action, data in chunk: bulk_actions.append(action) if data is not None: bulk_actions.append(data) if not bulk_actions: return def bulk(client, actions, stats_only=False, **kwargs): success, failed = 0, 0 # list of errors to be collected is not stats_only errors = [] for ok, item in streaming_bulk(client, actions, **kwargs): # go through request-reponse pairs and detect failures if not ok: if not stats_only: errors.append(item) failed += 1 else: success += 1 return success, failed if stats_only else errors
{ '_op_type': 'delete', '_index': 'index-name', '_type': 'document', '_id': 42, } { '_op_type': 'update', '_index': 'index-name', '_type': 'document', '_id': 42, 'doc': {'question': 'The life, universe and everything.'} }