(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/4 浏览:2)
我经常需要用Python与solr进行异步请求工作。这里有段代码阻塞在Solr http请求上, 直到第一个完成才会执行第二个请求,代码如下:
import requests #Search 1 solrResp = requests.get('http://mysolr.com/solr/statedecoded/search"_blank" href="http://www.oschina.net/p/gevent">gevent库能给我们带来些帮助。gevent底层用的是libevent库,构建于原生异步调用(select, poll等原始异步调用),libevent很好的协调很多低层的异步功能。使用gevent很简单,让人纠结的一点就是thegevent.monkey.patch_all(), 为更好的与gevent的异步协作,它修补了很多标准库。听起来很恐怖,但是我还没有在使用这个补丁实现时遇到 问题。
import requests from gevent import monkey import gevent monkey.patch_all() class Searcher(object): """ Simple wrapper for doing a search and collecting the results """ def __init__(self, searchUrl): self.searchUrl = searchUrl def search(self): solrResp = requests.get(self.searchUrl) self.docs = solrResp.json()['response']['docs'] def searchMultiple(urls): """ Use gevent to execute the passed in urls; dump the results""" searchers = [Searcher(url) for url in urls] # Gather a handle for each task handles = [] for searcher in searchers: handles.append(gevent.spawn(searcher.search)) # Block until all work is done gevent.joinall(handles) # Dump the results for searcher in searchers: print "Search Results for %s" % searcher.searchUrl for doc in searcher.docs: print doc['catch_line'] searchUrls = ['http://mysolr.com/solr/statedecoded/search"htmlcode"># Gather a handle for each task handles = [] for searcher in searchers: handles.append(gevent.spawn(searcher.search)) # Block until all work is done gevent.joinall(handles)我们让gevent产生searcher.search, 我们可以对产生的任务进行操作,然后我们可以随意的等着所有产生的任务完成,最后导出结果。