(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/4 浏览:2)
# wxCalc1 a simple GUI calculator using wxPython # created with the Boa Constructor which generates all the GUI components # all I had to do is add some code for each button click event # Boa free from: http://boa-constructor.sourceforge.net/ # note that boa-constructor-0.3.1.win32.exe # still uses wxPythonWIN32- # but is expected to work with wxPython version 2.5 soon # tested with Python23 vegaseat 26feb2005 from wxPython.wx import * # some Boa generated global IDs ... [wxID_WXFRAME1, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN0, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN1, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN2, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN3, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN4, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN5, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN6, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN7, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN8, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN9, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNCLEAR, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNDIV, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNDOT, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNEQUAL, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNMINUS, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNMULTI, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNPLUS, wxID_WXFRAME1EDIT, ] = map(lambda _init_ctrls: wxNewId(), range(19)) class wxFrame1(wxFrame): #startregion, below this marker is Boa generated code do not edit!!! def _init_ctrls(self, prnt): # generated method, don't edit wxFrame.__init__(self, id=wxID_WXFRAME1, name='', parent=prnt, pos=wxPoint(306, 270), size=wxSize(266, 265), style=wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title='Calculator1') self.SetClientSize(wxSize(258, 225)) self.SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(0, 128, 0)) self.btn1 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN1, label='1', name='btn1', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(16, 136), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn1, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN1, self.OnBtn1Button) self.btn2 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN2, label='2', name='btn2', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(64, 136), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn2, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN2, self.OnBtn2Button) self.btn3 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN3, label='3', name='btn3', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(112, 136), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn3, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN3, self.OnBtn3Button) self.btn4 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN4, label='4', name='btn4', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(16, 96), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn4, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN4, self.OnBtn4Button) self.btn5 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN5, label='5', name='btn5', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(64, 96), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn5, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN5, self.OnBtn5Button) self.btn6 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN6, label='6', name='btn6', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(112, 96), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn6, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN6, self.OnBtn6Button) self.btn7 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN7, label='7', name='btn7', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(16, 56), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn7, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN7, self.OnBtn7Button) self.btn8 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN8, label='8', name='btn8', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(64, 56), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn8, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN8, self.OnBtn8Button) self.btn9 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN9, label='9', name='btn9', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(112, 56), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn9, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN9, self.OnBtn9Button) self.btn0 = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTN0, label='0', name='btn0', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(16, 176), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btn0, wxID_WXFRAME1BTN0, self.OnBtn0Button) self.btnDot = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTNDOT, label='.', name='btnDot', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(64, 176), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btnDot, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNDOT, self.OnBtnDotButton) self.btnEqual = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTNEQUAL, label='=', name='btnEqual', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(112, 176), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btnEqual, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNEQUAL, self.OnBtnEqualButton) self.edit = wxTextCtrl(id=wxID_WXFRAME1EDIT, name='edit', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(16, 16), size=wxSize(224, 24), style=0, value='') self.btnPlus = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTNPLUS, label='+', name='btnPlus', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(160, 56), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btnPlus, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNPLUS, self.OnBtnPlusButton) self.btnMinus = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTNMINUS, label='-', name='btnMinus', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(160, 96), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btnMinus, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNMINUS, self.OnBtnMinusButton) self.btnMulti = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTNMULTI, label='*', name='btnMulti', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(160, 136), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btnMulti, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNMULTI, self.OnBtnMultiButton) self.btnDiv = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTNDIV, label='/', name='btnDiv', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(160, 176), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) EVT_BUTTON(self.btnDiv, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNDIV, self.OnBtnDivButton) self.btnClear = wxButton(id=wxID_WXFRAME1BTNCLEAR, label='C', name='btnClear', parent=self, pos=wxPoint(208, 56), size=wxSize(32, 32), style=0) self.btnClear.SetToolTipString('btnClear') EVT_BUTTON(self.btnClear, wxID_WXFRAME1BTNCLEAR, self.OnBtnClearButton) def __init__(self, parent): self._init_ctrls(parent) #endregion, above this marker is Boa generated code, do not edit!!! # now respond to all the button click events ... def OnBtn0Button(self, event): val = '0' # get existing edit box text txt = self.edit.GetValue() # append text txt = txt + val # update edit box text self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtn1Button(self, event): val = '1' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtn2Button(self, event): val = '2' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtn3Button(self, event): val = '3' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtn4Button(self, event): val = '4' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtn5Button(self, event): val = '5' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtn6Button(self, event): val = '6' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtn7Button(self, event): val = '7' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtn8Button(self, event): val = '8' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtn9Button(self, event): val = '9' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtnDotButton(self, event): val = '.' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtnEqualButton(self, event): txt = self.edit.GetValue() # needs to contain a float so eg. 3/5 is 3/5.0 # otherwise division 3/5 would result in zero if '/' in txt: if '.' not in txt: txt = txt + '.0' # now evaluate the math string txt = repr(eval(txt)) # and show result in edit box self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtnPlusButton(self, event): val = '+' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtnMinusButton(self, event): val = '-' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtnMultiButton(self, event): val = '*' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtnDivButton(self, event): val = '/' txt = self.edit.GetValue() txt = txt + val self.edit.SetValue(txt) def OnBtnClearButton(self, event): self.edit.SetValue('') # -------------------- end of class wxFrame1 ---------------------- def create(parent): return wxFrame1(parent) class BoaApp(wxApp): def OnInit(self): wxInitAllImageHandlers() self.main = create(None) self.main.Show() self.SetTopWindow(self.main) return True def main(): application = BoaApp(0) application.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()