(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/4 浏览:2)
^ 表示匹配的字符必须在最前边
$ 表示匹配的字符必须在最后边
* 匹配* 前面的字符0次或n次
+ 匹配+ 前面的字符1次或n次
#encoding=utf-8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: 模块1 # Purpose: # # Author: Administrator # # Created: 10-06-2014 # Copyright: (c) Administrator 2014 # Licence: <your licence> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import re def checklen(pwd): return len(pwd)>=8 def checkContainUpper(pwd): pattern = re.compile('[A-Z]+') match = pattern.findall(pwd) if match: return True else: return False def checkContainNum(pwd): pattern = re.compile('[0-9]+') match = pattern.findall(pwd) if match: return True else: return False def checkContainLower(pwd): pattern = re.compile('[a-z]+') match = pattern.findall(pwd) if match: return True else: return False def checkSymbol(pwd): pattern = re.compile('([^a-z0-9A-Z])+') match = pattern.findall(pwd) if match: return True else: return False def checkPassword(pwd): #判断密码长度是否合法 lenOK=checklen(pwd) #判断是否包含大写字母 upperOK=checkContainUpper(pwd) #判断是否包含小写字母 lowerOK=checkContainLower(pwd) #判断是否包含数字 numOK=checkContainNum(pwd) #判断是否包含符号 symbolOK=checkSymbol(pwd) print(lenOK) print(upperOK) print(lowerOK) print(numOK) print(symbolOK) return (lenOK and upperOK and lowerOK and numOK and symbolOK) def main(): if checkPassword('Helloworld#123'): print('检测通过') else: print('检测未通过') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
我们再来看一个稍微复杂些的 检测邮箱名及密码验证
# coding=gbk import re def ProcessMail(inputMail): isMatch = bool(re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z](([a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)|[a-zA-Z0-9]*)[a-zA-Z]@([a-z0-9A-Z]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$", inputMail,re.VERBOSE)); if isMatch: print ("邮箱注册成功。"); else: print ("邮箱注册失败。"); return isMatch; def ProcessPassword(inputPassword): #处理正则表达式 isMatch = bool(re.match(r"[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}",inputPassword,flags=0)); #用type的三位表示数字type[0],小写字母type[1],大写字母type[2]是否都具备 if isMatch: type = [False,False,False] for i in range(0,8): temp = inputPassword[i] if ord(temp) >= ord('0') and ord(temp) <= ord('9'): type[0] = True; elif ord(temp) >= ord('a') and ord(temp) <= ord('z'): type[1] = True; elif ord(temp) >= ord('A') and ord(temp) <= ord('Z'): type[2] = True; for i in type: if i is False: isMatch = False; break; #处理是否有重复的字符出现 if isMatch: for i in range(0,7): temp = inputPassword[i]; for j in range(i + 1,8): if inputPassword[j] == temp: isMatch = False; break; if isMatch: print ("密码注册成功。"); else: print ("密码注册失败。"); return isMatch; if __name__ == '__main__': mailState = False; while mailState is False: inputMail = input("输入邮箱: "); mailState = ProcessMail(inputMail); print ("\n"); # passwordState = False; while passwordState is False: inputPassword = input("输入密码: "); passwordState = ProcessPassword(inputPassword); print ("\n");
输入邮箱: a.a9@sina.com 邮箱注册失败。 输入邮箱: 9a.aa@sina.com 邮箱注册失败。 输入邮箱: a.a.a@sina.com 邮箱注册失败。 输入邮箱: a9999@sina.com 邮箱注册失败。 输入邮箱: a123.banana@..com 邮箱注册失败。 输入邮箱: a123.banana@a..com 邮箱注册失败。 输入邮箱: a123.banana@sina.c 邮箱注册失败。 输入邮箱: a123.banana@sina.com 邮箱注册失败。 输入邮箱: a123.banana@sina.com 邮箱注册成功。