(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/12 浏览:2)
Tqdm 是一个快速,可扩展的Python进度条,可以在 Python 长循环中添加一个进度提示信息,用户只需要封装任意的迭代器 tqdm(iterator)。
python -m pip install -U pip
然后解压进入,CMD窗口输入:python setup.py install
pip install tqdm
pip install -e git+https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm.git@master#egg=tqdm
from tqdm import tqdm for i in tqdm(range(10000)): sleep(0.01)
for i in trange(100): sleep(0.1)
pbar = tqdm(["a", "b", "c", "d"]) for char in pbar: pbar.set_description("Processing %s" % char)
with tqdm(total=100) as pbar: for i in range(10): pbar.update(10)
pbar = tqdm(total=100) for i in range(10): pbar.update(10) pbar.close()
$ time find . -name '*.py' -exec cat \{} \; | wc -l 857365 real 0m3.458s user 0m0.274s sys 0m3.325s $ time find . -name '*.py' -exec cat \{} \; | tqdm | wc -l 857366it [00:03, 246471.31it/s] 857365 real 0m3.585s user 0m0.862s sys 0m3.358s
$ find . -name '*.py' -exec cat \{} \; | tqdm --unit loc --unit_scale --total 857366 /dev/null 100%|███████████████████████████████████| 857K/857K [00:04<00:00, 246Kloc/s]
$ 7z a -bd -r backup.7z docs/ | grep Compressing | tqdm --total $(find docs/ -type f | wc -l) --unit files backup.log 100%|███████████████████████████████▉| 8014/8014 [01:37<00:00, 82.29files/s]
__all__ = ['tqdm', 'tqdm_gui', 'trange', 'tgrange', 'tqdm_pandas', 'tqdm_notebook', 'tnrange', 'main', 'TqdmKeyError', 'TqdmTypeError', '__version__']
def __init__(self, iterable=None, desc=None, total=None, leave=True, file=sys.stderr, ncols=None, mininterval=0.1, maxinterval=10.0, miniters=None, ascii=None, disable=False, unit='it', unit_scale=False, dynamic_ncols=False, smoothing=0.3, bar_format=None, initial=0, position=None, gui=False, **kwargs):
Parameters iterable : iterable, optional Iterable to decorate with a progressbar. 可迭代的进度条。 Leave blank to manually manage the updates. 留空手动管理更新?? desc : str, optional Prefix for the progressbar. 进度条的描述 total : int, optional The number of expected iterations. If unspecified, len(iterable) is used if possible. As a last resort, only basic progress statistics are displayed (no ETA, no progressbar). If gui is True and this parameter needs subsequent updating, specify an initial arbitrary large positive integer, e.g. int(9e9). 预期的迭代数目,默认为None,则尽可能的迭代下去,如果gui设置为True,这里则需要后续的更新,将需要指定为一个初始随意值较大的正整数,例如int(9e9) leave : bool, optional If [default: True], keeps all traces of the progressbar upon termination of iteration. 保留进度条存在的痕迹,简单来说就是会把进度条的最终形态保留下来,默认为True file : io.TextIOWrapper or io.StringIO, optional Specifies where to output the progress messages [default: sys.stderr]. Uses file.write(str) and file.flush() methods. 指定消息的输出 ncols : int, optional The width of the entire output message. If specified, dynamically resizes the progressbar to stay within this bound. If unspecified, attempts to use environment width. The fallback is a meter width of 10 and no limit for the counter and statistics. If 0, will not print any meter (only stats). 整个输出消息的宽度。如果指定,动态调整的进度停留在这个边界。如果未指定,尝试使用环境的宽度。如果为0,将不打印任何东西(只统计)。 mininterval : float, optional Minimum progress update interval, in seconds [default: 0.1]. 最小进度更新间隔,以秒为单位(默认值:0.1)。 maxinterval : float, optional Maximum progress update interval, in seconds [default: 10.0]. 最大进度更新间隔,以秒为单位(默认值:10)。 miniters : int, optional Minimum progress update interval, in iterations. If specified, will set mininterval to 0. 最小进度更新周期 ascii : bool, optional If unspecified or False, use unicode (smooth blocks) to fill the meter. The fallback is to use ASCII characters 1-9 #. 如果不设置,默认为unicode编码 disable : bool, optional Whether to disable the entire progressbar wrapper [default: False]. 是否禁用整个进度条包装(如果为True,进度条不显示) unit : str, optional String that will be used to define the unit of each iteration [default: it]. 将被用来定义每个单元的字符串??? unit_scale : bool, optional If set, the number of iterations will be reduced/scaled automatically and a metric prefix following the International System of Units standard will be added (kilo, mega, etc.) [default: False]. 如果设置,迭代的次数会自动按照十、百、千来添加前缀,默认为false dynamic_ncols : bool, optional If set, constantly alters ncols to the environment (allowing for window resizes) [default: False]. 不断改变ncols环境,允许调整窗口大小 smoothing : float, optional Exponential moving average smoothing factor for speed estimates (ignored in GUI mode). Ranges from 0 (average speed) to 1 (current/instantaneous speed) [default: 0.3]. bar_format : str, optional Specify a custom bar string formatting. May impact performance. If unspecified, will use ‘{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}', where l_bar is ‘{desc}{percentage:3.0f}%|' and r_bar is ‘| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed_str}<{remaining_str}, {rate_fmt}]' Possible vars: bar, n, n_fmt, total, total_fmt, percentage, rate, rate_fmt, elapsed, remaining, l_bar, r_bar, desc. 自定义栏字符串格式化…默认会使用{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}的格式,格式同上 initial : int, optional The initial counter value. Useful when restarting a progress bar [default: 0]. 初始计数器值,默认为0 position : int, optional Specify the line offset to print this bar (starting from 0) Automatic if unspecified. Useful to manage multiple bars at once (eg, from threads). 指定偏移,这个功能在多个条中有用 gui : bool, optional WARNING: internal parameter - do not use. Use tqdm_gui(…) instead. If set, will attempt to use matplotlib animations for a graphical output [default: False]. 内部参数… Returns out : decorated iterator. 返回为一个迭代器
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Usage: 7zx.py [--help | options] <zipfiles>... Options: -h, --help Print this help and exit -v, --version Print version and exit -c, --compressed Use compressed (instead of uncompressed) file sizes -s, --silent Do not print one row per zip file -y, --yes Assume yes to all queries (for extraction) -D=<level>, --debug=<level> Print various types of debugging information. Choices: CRITICAL|FATAL ERROR WARN(ING) [default: INFO] DEBUG NOTSET -d, --debug-trace Print lots of debugging information (-D NOTSET) """ from __future__ import print_function from docopt import docopt import logging as log import subprocess import re from tqdm import tqdm import pty import os import io __author__ = "Casper da Costa-Luis <casper.dcl@physics.org>" __licence__ = "MPLv2.0" __version__ = "0.2.0" __license__ = __licence__ RE_SCN = re.compile("([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+(.*)$", flags=re.M) def main(): args = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__) if args.pop('--debug-trace', False): args['--debug'] = "NOTSET" log.basicConfig(level=getattr(log, args['--debug'], log.INFO), format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') log.debug(args) # Get compressed sizes zips = {} for fn in args['<zipfiles>']: info = subprocess.check_output(["7z", "l", fn]).strip() finfo = RE_SCN.findall(info) # builtin test: last line should be total sizes log.debug(finfo) totals = map(int, finfo[-1][:2]) # log.debug(totals) for s in range(2): assert(sum(map(int, (inf[s] for inf in finfo[:-1]))) == totals[s]) fcomp = dict((n, int(c if args['--compressed'] else u)) for (u, c, n) in finfo[:-1]) # log.debug(fcomp) # zips : {'zipname' : {'filename' : int(size)}} zips[fn] = fcomp # Extract cmd7zx = ["7z", "x", "-bd"] if args['--yes']: cmd7zx += ["-y"] log.info("Extracting from {:d} file(s)".format(len(zips))) with tqdm(total=sum(sum(fcomp.values()) for fcomp in zips.values()), unit="B", unit_scale=True) as tall: for fn, fcomp in zips.items(): md, sd = pty.openpty() ex = subprocess.Popen(cmd7zx + [fn], bufsize=1, stdout=md, # subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) os.close(sd) with io.open(md, mode="rU", buffering=1) as m: with tqdm(total=sum(fcomp.values()), disable=len(zips) < 2, leave=False, unit="B", unit_scale=True) as t: while True: try: l_raw = m.readline() except IOError: break l = l_raw.strip() if l.startswith("Extracting"): exname = l.lstrip("Extracting").lstrip() s = fcomp.get(exname, 0) # 0 is likely folders t.update(s) tall.update(s) elif l: if not any(l.startswith(i) for i in ("7-Zip ", "p7zip Version ", "Everything is Ok", "Folders: ", "Files: ", "Size: ", "Compressed: ")): if l.startswith("Processing archive: "): if not args['--silent']: t.write(t.format_interval( t.start_t - tall.start_t) + ' ' + l.lstrip("Processing archive: ")) else: t.write(l) ex.wait() main.__doc__ = __doc__ if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"""An example of wrapping manual tqdm updates for urllib reporthook. # urllib.urlretrieve documentation > If present, the hook function will be called once > on establishment of the network connection and once after each block read > thereafter. The hook will be passed three arguments; a count of blocks > transferred so far, a block size in bytes, and the total size of the file. Usage: tqdm_wget.py [options] Options: -h, --help Print this help message and exit -u URL, --url URL : string, optional The url to fetch. [default: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~cod11/matryoshka.zip] -o FILE, --output FILE : string, optional The local file path in which to save the url [default: /dev/null]. """ import urllib from tqdm import tqdm from docopt import docopt def my_hook(t): """ Wraps tqdm instance. Don't forget to close() or __exit__() the tqdm instance once you're done with it (easiest using `with` syntax). Example ------- > with tqdm(...) as t: ... reporthook = my_hook(t) ... urllib.urlretrieve(..., reporthook=reporthook) """ last_b = [0] def inner(b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None): """ b : int, optional Number of blocks just transferred [default: 1]. bsize : int, optional Size of each block (in tqdm units) [default: 1]. tsize : int, optional Total size (in tqdm units). If [default: None] remains unchanged. """ if tsize is not None: t.total = tsize t.update((b - last_b[0]) * bsize) last_b[0] = b return inner opts = docopt(__doc__) eg_link = opts['--url'] eg_file = eg_link.replace('/', ' ').split()[-1] with tqdm(unit='B', unit_scale=True, leave=True, miniters=1, desc=eg_file) as t: # all optional kwargs urllib.urlretrieve(eg_link, filename=opts['--output'], reporthook=my_hook(t), data=None)
""" # Simple tqdm examples and profiling # Benchmark for i in _range(int(1e8)): pass # Basic demo import tqdm for i in tqdm.trange(int(1e8)): pass # Some decorations import tqdm for i in tqdm.trange(int(1e8), miniters=int(1e6), ascii=True, desc="cool", dynamic_ncols=True): pass # Nested bars from tqdm import trange for i in trange(10): for j in trange(int(1e7), leave=False, unit_scale=True): pass # Experimental GUI demo import tqdm for i in tqdm.tgrange(int(1e8)): pass # Comparison to https://code.google.com/p/python-progressbar/ try: from progressbar.progressbar import ProgressBar except ImportError: pass else: for i in ProgressBar()(_range(int(1e8))): pass # Dynamic miniters benchmark from tqdm import trange for i in trange(int(1e8), miniters=None, mininterval=0.1, smoothing=0): pass # Fixed miniters benchmark from tqdm import trange for i in trange(int(1e8), miniters=4500000, mininterval=0.1, smoothing=0): pass """ from time import sleep from timeit import timeit import re # Simple demo from tqdm import trange for i in trange(16, leave=True): sleep(0.1) # Profiling/overhead tests stmts = filter(None, re.split(r'\n\s*#.*"htmlcode">import pandas as pd import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, (100000, 6))) # Register `pandas.progress_apply` and `pandas.Series.map_apply` with `tqdm` # (can use `tqdm_gui`, `tqdm_notebook`, optional kwargs, etc.) tqdm.pandas(desc="my bar!") # Now you can use `progress_apply` instead of `apply` # and `progress_map` instead of `map` df.progress_apply(lambda x: x**2) # can also groupby: # df.groupby(0).progress_apply(lambda x: x**2) # -- Source code for `tqdm_pandas` (really simple!) # def tqdm_pandas(t): # from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame # def inner(df, func, *args, **kwargs): # t.total = groups.size // len(groups) # def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # t.update(1) # return func(*args, **kwargs) # result = df.apply(wrapper, *args, **kwargs) # t.close() # return result # DataFrame.progress_apply = inner引用tqdm并非强制作为依赖:
# How to import tqdm without enforcing it as a dependency try: from tqdm import tqdm except ImportError: def tqdm(*args, **kwargs): if args: return args[0] return kwargs.get('iterable', None)参考: