(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/13 浏览:2)
本文实例为大家分享了Python 12306抢火车票的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from splinter.browser import Browser from time import sleep import traceback import time, sys class huoche(object): """docstring for huoche""" driver_name = '' executable_path = '' # 用户名,密码 username = u"name" passwd = u"passwd" # cookies值得自己去找, 下面两个分别是上海, 太原南 starts = u"%u4E0A%u6D77%2CSHH" ends = u"%u592A%u539F%2CTYV" # 时间格式2018-01-19 dtime = u"2018-01-19" # 车次,选择第几趟,0则从上之下依次点击 order = 0 ###乘客名 users = [u"你的名字"] ##席位 xb = u"二等座" pz = u"成人票" """网址""" ticket_url = "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/leftTicket/init" login_url = "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/login/init" initmy_url = "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/index/initMy12306" buy = "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/confirmPassenger/initDc" def __init__(self): self.driver_name = 'chrome' self.executable_path = 'chromedriver.exe' def login(self): self.driver.visit(self.login_url) # 填充密码 self.driver.fill("loginUserDTO.user_name", self.username) # sleep(1) self.driver.fill("userDTO.password", self.passwd) self.driver.find_by_text(u"登录").click() print u"等待验证码,自行输入..." print("start to login") while True: if self.driver.url != self.initmy_url: sleep(1) else: break print("end to login") def start(self): self.driver = Browser(driver_name=self.driver_name, executable_path=self.executable_path) self.driver.driver.set_window_size(1400, 1000) self.login() # sleep(1) self.driver.visit(self.ticket_url) try: print u"购票页面开始..." # sleep(1) # 加载查询信息 self.driver.cookies.add({"_jc_save_fromStation": self.starts}) self.driver.cookies.add({"_jc_save_toStation": self.ends}) self.driver.cookies.add({"_jc_save_fromDate": self.dtime}) self.driver.reload() count = 0 if self.order != 0: while self.driver.url == self.ticket_url: self.driver.find_by_text(u"查询").click() count += 1 print u"循环点击查询... 第 %s 次" % count # sleep(1) try: self.driver.find_by_text(u"预订")[self.order - 1].click() except Exception as e: print e print u"还没开始预订" continue else: while self.driver.url == self.ticket_url: self.driver.find_by_text(u"查询").click() count += 1 print u"循环点击查询... 第 %s 次" % count # sleep(0.8) try: for i in self.driver.find_by_text(u"预订"): i.click() sleep(1) except Exception as e: print e print u"还没开始预订 %s" % count continue print u"开始预订..." # sleep(3) # self.driver.reload() sleep(1) print u'开始选择用户...' for user in self.users: self.driver.find_by_text(user).last.click() print u"提交订单..." sleep(1) # self.driver.find_by_text(self.pz).click() # self.driver.find_by_id('').select(self.pz) # # sleep(1) # self.driver.find_by_text(self.xb).click() # sleep(1) self.driver.find_by_id('submitOrder_id').click() # print u"开始选座..." # self.driver.find_by_id('1D').last.click() # self.driver.find_by_id('1F').last.click() sleep(1.5) print u"确认选座..." self.driver.find_by_id('qr_submit_id').click() except Exception as e: print e cities = {'成都': '%u6210%u90FD%2CCDW', '重庆': '%u91CD%u5E86%2CCQW', '北京': '%u5317%u4EAC%2CBJP', '广州': '%u5E7F%u5DDE%2CGZQ', '杭州': '%u676D%u5DDE%2CHZH', '宜昌': '%u5B9C%u660C%2CYCN', '郑州': '%u90D1%u5DDE%2CZZF', '深圳': '%u6DF1%u5733%2CSZQ', '西安': '%u897F%u5B89%2CXAY', '大连': '%u5927%u8FDE%2CDLT', '武汉': '%u6B66%u6C49%2CWHN', '上海': '%u4E0A%u6D77%2CSHH', '南京': '%u5357%u4EAC%2CNJH', '合肥': '%u5408%u80A5%2CHFH'} if __name__ == '__main__': huoche = huoche() huoche.starts = cities["杭州"] huoche.ends = cities["上海"] huoche.dtime = "2018-02-05" huoche.start()