(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/3 浏览:2)
1.1 先下载一份网页源码看看网页结构
#http库 import requests #准备http请求头 headers = {"user-agent": "firefox"} #中央气象台卫星云图网页 url = 'http://www.nmc.cn/publish/satellite/fy2.htm' #获取网页 r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) #改编码方式支持中文 r.encoding='utf-8' #保存为文本 with open('response.txt','w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(r.text)
1.2 到网页查看图片链接
src=http://image.nmc.cn/product/2020/02/16/WXCL/medium/SEVP_NSMC_WXCL_ASC_E99_ACHN_LNO_PY_20200216091500000.JPG"text-align: center">![]()
1.4 过滤出script,找到所有url
#html/xml解析库 from lxml import etree #解析response html = etree.HTML(r.text) result = html.xpath('//script[@type="text/javascript"]/text()')[2] print(result)打印结果如下,可以看到是多行字符串。
#正则库 import re urls = re.findall('/product.*.JPG', result) print(urls)成功匹配出图片url。注意这里的url只有后半部分,根据之前的图片链接可知,实际图片url还需加上:http://image.mnc.cn。
1.5 因此写获取图片URL函数
def getpage(page): try: r = requests.get(page, headers=headers) html = etree.HTML(r.text) result = html.xpath('//script[@type="text/javascript"]/text()')[2] urls = re.findall('/product.*.JPG', result) return urls except Exception as e: print(e)2.下载图片
#url前缀 base_url = 'http://image.nmc.cn' def dlpic(urls): # 定义一个文件名称收集列表 filenames = [] for item in urls: r = requests.get(base_url + item, headers) #文件名就是用斜杠把字符串分隔,取走后后一个字符串 filename = item.split('/')[-1] filenames.append(filename) #保存图片 with open('wxyt_pic\\' + filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) print('已下载:'+item) #返回文件名称列表,用于合成gif return filenames3.合成图片
# 图片操作库 import imageio def makegif(images): # 创建空列表,把图片明反序 frames = [] images.reverse() # 加载12张图片 for item in images: frames.append(imageio.imread('wxyt_pic\\'+item)) # 合成1张gif imageio.mimsave('hecheng.gif', frames, 'GIF', duration=1)4.播放图片
def playgif(seq=0): if set == 0: #播放12张合成好的gif animation = pyglet.resource.animation('hecheng.gif') else: pyglet.resource.path = ['wxyt_pic'] la = os.listdir('wxyt_pic') images = [] for n in la: images.append(pyglet.resource.image(n)) #播放库存中的所有照片 animation = pyglet.image.Animation.from_image_sequence(images, period=0.5, loop=True) #显示动画 sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(animation) windows = pyglet.window.Window(width=sprite.width, height=sprite.height) @windows.event def on_draw(): windows.clear() sprite.draw() pyglet.app.run()5.整体代码
import requests from lxml import etree import imageio import re import pyglet import os # 在脚本同目录下,新建一个文件夹,存储当天12张图 def ckdir(): if os.path.exists('wxyt_pic') == False: os.mkdir('wxyt_pic') # 获取图片url列表 def getpage(page): try: r = requests.get(page, headers=headers) html = etree.HTML(r.text) result = html.xpath('//script[@type="text/javascript"]/text()')[2] urls = re.findall('/product.*.JPG', result) return urls except Exception as e: print(e) # 下载图片 def dlpic(urls): filenames = [] for item in urls: r = requests.get(base_url + item, headers) filename = item.split('/')[-1] filenames.append(filename) with open('wxyt_pic\\' + filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) print('已下载:'+item) return filenames # 制作gif def makegif(images): frames = [] images.reverse() for item in images: frames.append(imageio.imread('wxyt_pic\\'+item)) imageio.mimsave('hecheng.gif', frames, 'GIF', duration=1) # 播放gif def playgif(seq=0): if set == 0: #播放12张合成好的gif animation = pyglet.resource.animation('hecheng.gif') else: pyglet.resource.path = ['wxyt_pic'] la = os.listdir('wxyt_pic') images = [] for n in la: images.append(pyglet.resource.image(n)) #播放库存中的所有照片 animation = pyglet.image.Animation.from_image_sequence(images, period=0.5, loop=True) #显示动画 sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(animation) windows = pyglet.window.Window(width=sprite.width, height=sprite.height) @windows.event def on_draw(): windows.clear() sprite.draw() pyglet.app.run() # init if __name__ == '__main__': base_url = 'http://image.nmc.cn' page = 'http://www.nmc.cn/publish/satellite/fy2.htm' headers = {"user-agent": "firefox"} ckdir() urls = getpage(page) images = dlpic(urls) makegif(images) # 0只播放今天12张,1播放库存里所有照片 playgif(1)6.最终效果