(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/2/26 浏览:2)
import telnetlib Host = "" # 连接Telnet服务器 tn = telnetlib.Telnet(Host, port=23, timeout=10) tn.set_debuglevel(0) # 输入登录用户名 tn.read_until(b'login: ') tn.write(b"admin" + b'\n') # 输入登录密码 tn.read_until(b'Password: ') tn.write(b"Admin@1234" + b'\n') tn.read_until(b'#') tn.write(b"cd /home/sd" + b'\n') tn.read_until(b'#') tn.write(b"ls -al" + b'\n') r = tn.read_until(b'#').decode('ASCII') r1 = r.split(r"\r\n") for i in r1: print(i) tn.close()
> tn=telnetlib.Telnet("",timeout=2) > tn.read_until(b'login: ',timeout=2) b"\r\n****************************************************************** ****\r\n* Copyright (c) 2004-2018 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. All rig rved.*\r\n* Without the owner's prior written consent, *\r\n* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. *\r\n********************************************************** ************\r\n\r\nlogin: " > tn.write(b'admin'+b'\n') > tn.read_until(b'Password: ',timeout=2) b'jgtl\r\r\nPassword: ' > tn.write(b'Admin@123'+b'\n') > tn.read_until(b'>') b'\r\n<bangong-01>' > tn.write(b'ping') > tn.read_until(b'>')
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import telnetlib import re import csv import sys import time from datetime import datetime host_dict={ "ip":"", "user":"admin", "pwd":"Admin@123" } def get_loss(addrlist): host=host_dict["ip"] user=host_dict["user"] pwd=host_dict["pwd"] print (host) resultlist = [] #try: tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, timeout=2) print ("AA") if len(host_dict["pwd"]) and len(host_dict["user"]): print ("BB") tn.read_until(b"login: ", timeout=3) #tn.write(b"admin"+b"\n") tn.write(user.encode()+b"\n") tn.read_until(b"Password: ", timeout=3) #tn.write(b"Admin@123"+b"\n") tn.write(pwd.encode()+ b"\n") # p_error = re.compile("found at") if tn.read_until(b">", timeout=4).find(b">") != -1: print("Connect to {host} ...... ".format(host=host)) tn.write(b"ping\n") print (tn.read_until(b'01>')) else: print("%s Wrong username or password!!!" % host) return "" #tn.read_until(b">") if len(addrlist) != 0: for i in range(len(addrlist)-1): tep = {} command = "ping " + addrlist[i] print("command:", command) tn.write(command.encode() + b"\n") result = str(tn.read_until(b"01>")) print(result) re_loss = re.compile("\d+\.\d+%") loss = re_loss.findall(result) tep[host] = loss[0] resultlist.append(tep) #if p_error.search(result.decode()): # print("There is a error in this command: {0}".format(c.decode())) tn.close() #except Exception as e: #if e: # print ("Connect to {host} Failed!!!".format(host=host),e) #return "" return resultlist if __name__=="__main__": addrlist=['',''] print ("get_loss",get_loss(addrlist))