
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2024/10/14 浏览:2)

第一次发现JavaScript中replace() 方法如果直接用str.replace("-","!") 只会替换第一个匹配的字符.

The replace() method returns the string that results when you replace text matching its first argument
(a regular expression) with the text of the second argument (a string).
If the g (global) flag is not set in the regular expression declaration, this method replaces only the first
occurrence of the pattern. For example,

var s = "Hello. Regexps are fun.";s = s.replace(/\./, "!"); // replace first period with an exclamation pointalert(s);

produces the string “Hello! Regexps are fun.” Including the g flag will cause the interpreter to
perform a global replace, finding and replacing every matching substring. For example,

var s = "Hello. Regexps are fun.";s = s.replace(/\./g, "!"); // replace all periods with exclamation pointsalert(s);

yields this result: “Hello! Regexps are fun!”

string.replace(/reallyDo/g, replaceWith);
string.replace(new RegExp(reallyDo, 'g'), replaceWith);

复制代码 代码如下:
<script type="text/javascript"> 
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(reallyDo, replaceWith, ignoreCase) { 
    if (!RegExp.prototype.isPrototypeOf(reallyDo)) { 
        return this.replace(new RegExp(reallyDo, (ignoreCase ? "gi": "g")), replaceWith); 
    } else { 
        return this.replace(reallyDo, replaceWith); 
